Pathway to CPA is a robust program for high school and college students from underrepresented communities who have an interest in pursuing a career in accounting. To be eligible, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and secure a recommendation from a MACRS partner. Our program is organized around six significant milestones, offering the potential to earn scholarships of up to $15,000 upon milestone completion. Additionally, students will receive CPA preparation materials and testing support valued at up to $5,000. In total, students can receive up to $20,000 in financial support, alongside essential resources and mentorship to assist them in their CPA journey. All programming will coincide with the academic school year, and can range from 1-8 years depending on when the participant enters the program. Explore details about each milestone below and how to initiate your path toward a highly rewarding career.
Milestone #1 is designed for high school juniors and spans one year, providing an introductory experience to the accounting profession. Eligibility for participation requires a teacher’s recommendation, and students should be prepared to start the program at the beginning of their junior year.
Milestone #2 is a one-year program tailored for high school seniors, offering them the chance to gain practical experience in the accounting field through work-study and cooperative opportunities with MACRS partners. Upon successful completion of Milestone #2, students become eligible for a $5,000 scholarship to support their higher education endeavors.
Milestone #3 is a one-year program designed to acquaint college juniors with diverse accounting career paths. College students seeking participation in this program should be prepared to start at the beginning of their junior year and must secure a recommendation from college staff to meet eligibility criteria.
Milestone #4 constitutes a one-year program designed for college seniors to undertake internships with MACRS partners, earning college credit. Upon successful fulfillment of this milestone, students become eligible for a $10,000 scholarship applicable to their fifth year of college or alternative coursework aimed at meeting the qualifications required for the CPA exam.
Milestone #5 offers program participants complimentary CPA study materials. Upon successfully passing each section of the CPA exam, students are eligible for exam fee reimbursements (up to two times per section), including any associated registration fees. Typically, students reaching this milestone have recently obtained a bachelor’s degree and are preparing to pursue a Master’s in Accounting or alternative educational pathways to fulfill the necessary requirements for CPA exam qualification.
An exclusive opportunity is extended to MACRS partners to recommend a limited number of aspiring CPAs for entry at Milestone #5. However, these individuals must already meet CPA exam eligibility requirements. In other words, professionals already engaged in the accounting field and meeting these criteria may enter the program at this specific milestone provided their organization is affiliated with MACRS as a partner.
Milestone #6 offers program participants opportunities to gain 2,000 hours of experience, supervised by a CPA, which is a prerequisite for CPA licensure. Depending on individual preferences, participants have the option to pursue this milestone concurrently with Milestone #5. While it is not obligatory, it provides an accelerated route for those seeking to expedite their progress on the Pathway to CPA.
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